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Male, 28 years, born on 13 August 1996

Actively searching for a job

Armenia, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Frontend Software Engineer

5 000 $ in hand

  • Programmer, developer
  • Development team leader
  • System engineer

Employment: full time, part time, project work, volunteering

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 7 years 3 months

July 2024currently
9 months

Germany, www.jobleads.com/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Frontend Software Engineer
Development of a Job Search site with Vue 3, in the team of Resume World, which is mainly responsible for Resume Review and AI Resume Builder. - Integrated AI-driven features for Resume Review and Resume Builder, enhancing the user experience and improving resume optimization. - Collaborated closely with cross-functional teams, streamlining the product development process and aligning business and technical goals. - Implemented reusable components using the Composition API, ensuring code modularity and maintainability. - Optimized site performance by applying best practices in code-splitting, caching, and lazy loading.
March 2021currently
4 years 1 month
Enke Systems

USA, enkesystems.com/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Frontend Software Engineer
Worked as an outstaffed Engineer for Warner Music Group. - Directly communicated with ENKE clients to get correct Business requirements and translate them into technical requirements. - Contributed to 3 projects from initial setups to production deployment, and support phase. Participated in initial setup and architecture planning for the projects, working closely with team leads and stakeholders to define requirements and establish project frameworks. - Also, worked with DevOps to have a clear setup of CI/CD. - Participated in code reviews, ensuring code quality, adherence to best practices, and alignment with project requirements and standards. - Developed frontend applications using React, Redux, Material UI, and other relevant technologies, implementing UI components, SCSS modules, and ensuring responsive design. - Conducted regular meetings and status updates with project stakeholders, providing progress reports, addressing concerns, and ensuring project milestones were met on time and within budget. - Conducted unit testing and test automation to ensure the reliability and stability of applications. - Provided ongoing support and maintenance for deployed applications, including troubleshooting, bug fixes, and implementing enhancements as needed, during the contracted support period of 4-6 hours per month.
November 2021September 2024
2 years 11 months

USA, app.simplified.com/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Frontend Software Engineer
Development of an online AI Photo/Video Editor. (working with canvas element - Fabric.js) https://app.simplified.com/design - Successfully collaborated with the team to implement complex and critical components of the application, ensuring seamless integration and functionality. - Responsible for the development and maintenance of the AI Photo/Video editor part of the application, ensuring adherence to project timelines and quality standards. - Conduct daily code reviews to maintain code quality, identify potential issues, and ensure consistency and best practices across the codebase. - Work closely with the CTO to prioritize tasks and allocate resources effectively, ensuring alignment with project goals and objectives. - Mentor junior team members, providing guidance and support in understanding complex technical concepts and best practices in frontend development. - Manage and coordinate complex project tasks, including the planning, execution, and delivery of key features and functionalities within the AI Photo/Video editor. - Collaborate with cross-functional teams to gather requirements, design solutions, and implement features that meet user needs and business objectives. - Continuously research and evaluate new technologies and frameworks to enhance the capabilities and performance of the AI Photo/Video editor, staying up-to-date with industry trends and best practices.
March 2018April 2021
3 years 2 months

Armenia, picsart.com/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Frontend Software Engineer
Development of an online Creative Photo Editor since product creation from scratch. (worked with canvas element - KonvaJS). Also developed 5 mini-applications for the WeChat platform. https://picsart.com/create - Successfully developed and deployed 5 WeChat mini-applications, contributing to the expansion of Picsart's presence on the WeChat platform and enhancing user engagement. - Played a pivotal role in the development of Picsart's Creative Photo Editor as part of an development team, utilizing Canvas element with Konva.js library and modern frontend technologies such as React, Redux, TypeScript, and ReactJSS. - Actively participated in team meetings, code reviews, and sprint planning sessions, providing input, troubleshooting code issues, and aiding in problem-solving. - Developed frontend components and features for Photo Editor as part of the team, contributing code, implementing functionalities, and adhering to project guidelines. - Collaborated closely with cross-functional teams, including QA, Designers, and Developers, to coordinate project tasks, address feedback, and ensure successful project delivery. - Adapted to changes in project management methodologies, such as transitioning from Kanban to Scrum, and adapted to the evolving needs of the project and team dynamics.
January 2018March 2021
3 years 3 months
Индивидуальное предпринимательство / частная практика / фриланс
Frontend Software Engineer (Freelance / Contract / Volunteer Projects)
I did a lot of freelance/contract/volunteer projects, below is the list of them. Project | Short description Stihi, CW - Blockchain and cryptocurrency-based project, crypto exchange | React, MobX, Axios, Quill, EOSJS, SCSS, Styled Components Factoring, Hellopay - CRM and CMS based projects | React, Redux, Tailwind CSS, Material UI, Recharts, React-Hook-Form Sberbank - Fintech, Online School, big team | React, Effector.js, Storybooks, GraphQL, Apollo Client, SCSS Edi-Real - Multiplatform desktop/web/mobile application about Real Estate Property | Big Data, React, Electron, React-Native, Redux, Redux-Form Dats - Gambling projects | React, Redux, Next.js, TypeScript, Axios, Lodash.js, SCSS, Core UI Boo - Multiplatform applications | C++, QT QML, WebAssembly, Map, Leaflet.js, React, Electron Arbrug - 3d printer app development | Python, QT QML, React


Skill proficiency levels
React Native
Canvas (2d)
HTML5 Canvas - Konva.js, Fabric.js, Image/Video Processing
State Management - Redux, MobX, Zustand, Recoil, Effector.js, Vuex, Pinia
UI Components - Material UI, Chakra UI, AntDesign, Vuetify
Styles - CSS, SCSS, SASS, LESS, Styled Components, Tailwind CSS, React JSS
Git - (Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab)
Tests - Unit, Integration, E2E, Cypress, React Testing Library, Vitest, Jest
Multiplatform - Electron.js, React Native, QT QML, Mini Apps
Leadership Skills
Деловая коммуникация
Software Development

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B, C

About me

Telegram - @surohak (https://t.me/surohak) Phone - +(374) - 95-222-706 Dear HR, I studied and graduated with my Bachelor’s degree at Yerevan State University in the Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics. I studied and graduated Javascript course at Armenian Code Academy. I was interested in development from the age of 16. I am super passionate about development and my skills. I am a motivational Frontend Software Engineer with strong experience. A confident and highly creative team player, energetic, flexible, hardworking, adaptable, and self-motivated. Always coming up with innovative ideas. I possess excellent communication skills and can liaise effectively with work colleagues. Other strong points include an ability to work as multitasking, prioritize, and work to deadlines under pressure. I can work with a wide range of people. Interpersonal and communication skills are key to any job. I spend most of my time working with JavaScript, React, TypeScript, Redux(Toolkit), and more modern usable libraries and plugins. Experience in building apps with SSR(Next.js), SSG and CSR. Also - WebPack, Vite, Rollup. A big of experience in working on products with Canvas element - 2D Context (Image/Video Processing, Creation of Web Photo/Video Editor), with top Canvas libraries KonvaJS and FabricJS. Experience with different state management libraries such as Redux(Toolkit), MobX, Recoil and EffectorJS. Experience with different UI component libraries such as MaterialUI, ChakraUI, AntDesign, and CoreUI, also experience with CSS preprocessors like Styled Components, Tailwind CSS, ReactJSS, SCSS, SASS, LESS, PostCSS and others. Experience with ElectronJS in the development of desktop applications. Also, experience in the creation of multi-platform apps with Qt QML. Experience with working on the integration of the C++ library with WebAssembly to the frontend. Experience in working on projects with Back-End technologies such as Firebase, NodeJS, Java, GoLang, and Python. Experience with React Native mobile apps, and in the development of mini-apps for the WeChat platform. Experience in the development of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency-based products. Experience of Unit, Integration, and E2E tests. Experience in the creation of maps (Leaflet). Experience in daily code reviews. Small experience with Vue.js. Also, I have strong experience in using git(version controller). Also, I have experience in managing big teams, creating sub-team structures, making fundamental changes in startups, and making their teams more flexible, more efficient, and more friendly. Also, experience in the mentorship of team members, and responsibility for their personal growth, which is giving companies good shots. Also, I have a few certifications in Time Management, doing core development with all modern design patterns, also I have good knowledge of Data Structures and Algorithms. • Working with Agile Project Management, correctly on Kanban and Scrum. • Design, implementation, and enhancement of innovative applications and services for various platforms and websites. • Optimization of user experience with the development of interactive, dynamic UX solutions using the framework React JS (Typescript). • Work with UI components and design patterns. • Work with client-server communication protocols. • Work with QA to isolate and fix bugs. • Understanding business requirements and translating them into technical requirements. Regards, Suren Hakobyan SKILLS: Main - JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Vue, Canvas (2d), Redux, Next.js, Nuxt.js, Qt QML HTML5 Canvas - Konva.js, Fabric.js, Image/Video Processing State Management - Redux, MobX, Zustand, Recoil, Effector.js, Vuex, Pinia UI Components - Material UI, Chakra UI, AntDesign, Vuetify Styles - CSS, SCSS, SASS, LESS, Styled Components, Tailwind CSS, React JSS Git - (Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab) Tests - Unit, Integration, E2E, Cypress, React Testing Library, Vitest, Jest Multiplatform - Electron.js, React Native, QT QML, Mini Apps Other - WebAssembly, GraphQL, Apollo Client, Apache Superset, Chart.js, Apache Echarts, Maps, Lodash.js, Moment.js, Leaflet.js, Next.js, Axios, Quill, Node.js, Express.js, Firebase, WebSocket, Storybooks, Redux-Form, React-Hook-Form, Blockchain, Optimizing Performance, Algorithms, Data Structures, Big Data, Code Refactoring, Code Review, Linux, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Scrum, Kanban, Interpersonal Skills, Time Management, Team Management Russian //// Уважаемый HR, Я учился и окончил факультет Информатики и Прикладной Математики в Ереванском Государственном Университете (ЕГУ) со степенью бакалавра, с университетом я изучал и окончил курс Javascript в Armenian Code Academy (ACA). Я интересовался развитием с 16 лет. Я очень увлечен развитием и своими навыками. Я мотивационный Frontend Software Engineer с большим опытом работы. Уверенный и очень творческий командный игрок, энергичный, гибкий, трудолюбивый, адаптируемый и целеустремленный. Всегда придумывает новаторские идеи. Обладаю отличными коммуникативными навыками и могу эффективно поддерживать связь с коллегами по работе. Другие сильные стороны включают в себя способность работать в режиме многозадачности, расставлять приоритеты и работать в сжатые сроки. Имею возможность работать с широким кругом людей. Межличностные и коммуникативные навыки являются ключевыми для любой работы. Я провожу большую часть своего времени, работая с JavaScript, ReactJS, TypeScript, Redux(Toolkit) и другими полезными библиотеками и плагинами. Опыт создания приложений с использованием SSR(Next.js), SSG и CSR. Также — WebPack, Vite, Rollup. Большой опыт работы над продуктами с элементом Canvas (обработка изображений/видео, создание веб-фото/видеоредактора), с топовыми библиотеками Canvas KonvaJS и FabricJS. Опыт работы с различными библиотеками компонентов пользовательского интерфейса, такими как MaterialUI, ChakraUI, AntDesign и CoreUI, а также опыт работы с препроцессорами CSS, такими как Styled Components, Tailwind CSS, ReactJSS, SCSS, SASS, LESS, PostCSS и другими. Опыт работы с различными библиотеками управления состоянием, такими как Redux(Toolkit), MobX, Recoil и EffectorJS. Опыт работы с ElectronJS в разработке десктопных приложений. Также опыт создания мультиплатформенных приложений с использованием Qt QML. Опыт работы по интеграции библиотеки C++ с WebAssembly во фронтенд. Опыт работы над проектами с Back-End технологиями, такими как Firebase, NodeJS, Java, GoLang и Python. Опыт работы с мобильными приложениями React Native и в разработке мини-приложений для платформы WeChat. Опыт разработки продуктов на основе блокчейна и криптовалюты. Опыт модульных, интеграционных и E2E-тестов. Опыт работы Опыт создания карт (Leaflet). Опыт ежедневных обзоров кода. Небольшой опыт работы с Vue.js. Кроме того, у меня есть большой опыт использования git (контроллера версий). Кроме того, у меня есть опыт управления большими командами, создания структур подкоманд, внесения фундаментальных изменений в стартапы и повышения гибкости, эффективности и дружелюбия их команд. Кроме того, опыт наставничества членов команды и ответственность за их личностный рост дают компаниям хорошие шансы. Кроме того, у меня есть несколько сертификатов по тайм-менеджменту, я занимаюсь основной разработкой со всеми современными шаблонами проектирования, а также хорошо разбираюсь в структурах данных и алгоритмах. • Работа с Agile Project Management, корректная работа с Kanban и Scrum. • Проектирование, внедрение и улучшение инновационных приложений и услуг для различных платформ и веб-сайтов. • Оптимизация пользовательского опыта за счет разработки интерактивных, динамичных UX-решений с использованием фреймворка React JS (Typescript). • Работа с компонентами пользовательского интерфейса и шаблонами проектирования. • Работа с протоколами связи клиент-сервер. • Работа с QA для выявления и исправления ошибок. • Понимание бизнес-требований и преобразование их в технические требования. С Уважением, Сурен Акобян

Higher education (bachelor)

Yerevan State University
Informatics and Applied Mathematics , Programming



EnglishB2 — Upper Intermediate

RussianC1 — Advanced

Professional development, courses

Armenian Code Academy
Armenian Code Academy, Javascript course

Tests, examinations

Armenian Code Academy
Armenian Code Academy, Javascript

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Armenia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter