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Мужчина, 52 года, родился 17 июля 1972
Польша, хочу переехать (Армения, Баку, Казахстан, Россия, Украина), не готов к командировкам
директор по операциям
- Операционный директор (COO)
Занятость: полная занятость
График работы: полный день
Опыт работы 18 лет
Август 2011 — Октябрь 2013
2 года 3 месяца
empik sp. z o.o.
Польша, www.empik.com
региональный менеджер
Management, oversight of sale and costs of 24 bookstores employing 220 persons , preparation and realization of annual sales budgets and their forecasting, responsibility for current operations and performing of result, coordination and oversight of new openings, shutdowns of underperforming outposts, running, with Controlling Dpt., the benchmarking of cost project and responsibility for coordination of cooperation with Marketing Dpt.
Март 2008 — Май 2011
3 года 3 месяца
real,- sp. z o.o. i spółka S.K.
Польша, www.real.pl
директор гипермаркета
09.2009- 06.2011 in Gdynia
08.2008-09.2009 in Gdańsk Osowa
Management of 11.000 to 20.000 sqm hypermarket, employing about 220-250 persons, oversight of business administration, cell of order, acceptance of commodities, safety; preparation and realization of annual shops sales and costs budgets , responsibility for current operations and performance, organization and results of stock-taking. Projects accomplishment: ‘The quality and sales of fresh article’, and ‘The principles of corrections, protection and stock-taking procedures’.
Ноябрь 2002 — Февраль 2008
5 лет 4 месяца
Ahold Polska Sp. z o.o.
Польша, www.ahold.com
региональный менеджер
03.2005-02.2008 in Gdansk
01.2003-02.2005 in Łódź
Management and oversight of chain of supermarket in region from 10 to 12 stores employing 270 persons, preparation and realization of annual sales and costs budgets for region, staffing, responsibility for current operations and performance of results, coordination new openings and closures of unprofitable outposts, aggregation of Gdynia, Sopot and Gdansk into common supply system of cross-docking. Project development – store formats harmonization, checklist and Balance Score Card accustoming. After merging with Carrefour running the project: ‘Best Practices’, ‘Principles of stock-taking’ and ‘Standards of supermarket’s lay-out’.
Март 1996 — Ноябрь 2002
6 лет 9 месяцев
REMA 1000 Poland Sp. z o.o.
региональный менеджер
09.2001- 11.2002 Regional Manager
Management and oversight of 14 chain stores in region employing 230 persons, preparation and realization of annual budgets of sales and costs, responsibility for current operations and results, performance of results, staffing.
08.1999-09.2001 Regional Marketing Manager
Range of duties as below and coordination of national and local promotion in region, undertaking local promotional actions and preparing marketing plans, realization of commissioned operative tasks in region ( coordination of new openings, remodeling and shutdowns of underperforming stores, accustoming of purchases database, REMA 1000 Shopping centers organization and maintenance.
03.1996-08.1999 Assistant to Regional Manager
Responsibility for administrative cases, accustoming of bases in office and stores, coordination and organization of purchase chain of local articles, store-check controlling, observance controlling of supply chain.
Сентябрь 1995 — Март 1996
7 месяцев
Hokkaido Hunter Sp. z o.o.
Специалист по маркетингу
Marketing Specialist – sports products and events
Responsibility for all promotional activities and product development, current marketing coordination, acquiring wholesales dealers, products homologation process and cooperation with sports associations.
Обо мне
I am task-oriented and goal attainment. In my work I like dynamics and contact with customers. Sport , which is my passion, has taught me competitiveness, regularity, perseverance, ability to take proper risks and not to deal with failures. I am motivated by challenges and the possibility of their implementation in the own created manner. At work I appreciate creativity, independence, as well as competence, ability to express opinions and their logical justification in a precise way. I consider discipline, commitment and passion as very important features of the professional profile. I communicate directly and verbally, ensuring proper flow of relevant information. I am not only able to set clear objectives and targets and provide assessment of the assumed achievements but also willing to take the responsibility of a leader. I correct the existing solutions and practices based on the acquired knowledge, experience and suggestions of associates. I am used to dividing work into four logical and consistent phases of process management. I appreciate people who have the authority of experts and find cooperation with them very rewarding.
Высшее образование (Магистр)
Univeristy of Gdansk
Master of Business Administration, Management
Academy of Physical Education in Gdansk
Sports, Sports Management
Gdansk University of Technology
Economy and Manangement, Finance & Accounting
Знание языков
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Польша
Разрешение на работу: Германия, Польша, Россия
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения