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Was online more than two weeks ago


Female, 33 years, born on 30 April 1991

Not looking for a job

Armenia, not willing to relocate, prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

English teacher

  • Teacher, educator

Employment: full time, part time

Work schedule: remote working

Work experience 4 years

July 2015September 2018
3 years 3 months
Customer support agent
I was assisting the clients of our company (who had booked airplane tickets through us) with exchanges and refunds of their tickets.
September 2014May 2015
9 months
Theoretical Lyceum ``D. Cantemir''
Teaching pupils a foreign language from the 5th till the 12th form


Skill proficiency levels
Пользователь ПК
Работа с людьми
Английский язык
Грамотная речь
MS Office
MS PowerPoint
Умение работать в команде
Настольный теннис

About me

GDS Systems: Apollo, Sabre responsible, reasonable, hardworking, organized, disciplined, stress resistant, fair-minded, sustainable, reliable, ability to work independently and as part of a team Developed my social skills taking part in: • Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e. V. Work for Freedom, Magdeburg, Summer 2011 • Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e. V. Work for Freedom, Gera, Summer, 2012 • Working for a year as a teacher at school • Taking part in seminars and conferences • Working as a customer support agent

Higher education

Alecu Russo State University
Master Studies, Russian philology, Teacher
Alecu Russo State University
Foreign languages (German, English), Teacher



EnglishB2 — Upper Intermediate

GermanB1 — Intermediate

RomanianB2 — Upper Intermediate

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Moldova, Romania

Permission to work: Armenia, Australia, Austria, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Moldova, Spain

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter