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Was online more than two weeks ago


Female, 36 years, born on 15 August 1988

Not looking for a job

Armenia, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips

Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer

3 000 $ in hand

  • Tester

Employment: full time, part time

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 14 years 6 months

May 2023currently
1 year 11 months
Veeam Armenia

Armenia, careers.veeam.com/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Quality Assurance Engineer
- Analysing software requirements. - Testing Veeam Backup&Replication (NAS backup and Object Storage backup features). - Communicating with other participants of the product development process (developers, project leaders, product managers, support engineers). - Evaluating test results, maintaining bugs database, checking bug fixes. - Working with customer's issues - reproducing them on QA lab, creating a bug or workaround, checking bug fixes or workaround on QA lab. - Monitoring the results of autotests, spot infrastructure or product problems in a timely manner.
July 2022April 2023
10 months
Veeam Armenia

Armenia, careers.veeam.com/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Junior Quality Assurance Engineer
- Analysing software requirements. - Testing Veeam Backup&Replication (NAS backup and Object Storage backup features). - Communicating with other participants of the product development process. - Evaluating test results, maintaining bugs database, checking bug fixes.
April 2021February 2022
11 months
Tinkoff bank

Saint Petersburg, www.tinkoff.ru

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Adaptation team supervisor + Incoming service specialist (line 2)
In the position of supervisor: - Acting as a team leader for a group of newbie operators; - Conducting internships for newbies; - group and individual calls with operators; - reporting, payment reconciliations; Operator position: - Receiving incoming calls - Advising customers on issues related to banking products - Drawing up claims, - Working with objections, - Training clients to be self-sufficient
April 2013September 2021
8 years 6 months

Saint Petersburg

Multiprofile Asset Management... Show more

HR specialist
- HR management for 8 companies of the corporation (total headcount - about 250 people, areas of activity - restaurant, corporate tourism, ticket operator, contact center), including remote units (Kazan, Tver, Yekaterinburg); - recruitment of personnel in all companies of the corporation, 10-15 closed vacancies per month; - maintenance of the medical insurance section: assignment of new employees, dismissal of dismissed employees, communication with the insurance company; - Maintaining the "Occupational Safety" section: keeping occupational safety and health logs; - participation in building and maintaining the system of employee adaptation - welcome-trainings, induction plans, interviews with new employees and their mentors and managers; - Participation in the preparation of corporate holidays; - participation in the formation and support of corporate culture - information blog, congratulations to employees, etc.
February 2012April 2013
1 year 3 months

Saint Petersburg, www.treffee.ru

Transportation, Logistics, Warehousing, International Logistics... Show more

HR specialist
Maintaining all areas of Human Resources department work: - HR management in full (4 legal entities, total staff - 80 people); - Selection of employees of different levels; - Organization of corporate events; - Solving administrative issues related to the work of the company's employees.
July 2011April 2013
1 year 10 months
OOO "Kvartet"

Saint Petersburg, smalta-mz.ru,www.artgres.ru,www.glamhome.ru

HR specialist
Maintaining all areas of Human Resources department work: - HR management in full (4 legal entities, total staff - 80 people); - Selection of employees of different levels; - Organization of corporate events; - Solving administrative issues related to the work of the company's employees.
June 2010June 2011
1 year 1 month
OOO "Garant-SPb-Service"

Saint Petersburg, garantsp.ru/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

HR specialist
- search and recruitment of employees (10-14 closed vacancies per month); - conducting interviews; - training of new employees; - certification of employees; - conducting professional development trainings; - personnel management (hiring, dismissal, vacations, transfers, keeping time sheets), working with 1C Salary and Personnel Management, 1C Accounting; - accounting and sending correspondence; - ordering of stationery; - receiving telephone calls, working with office equipment.


Skill proficiency levels
Test case
Manual testing
Hr Policies
Hr Records

Driving experience

Driver's license category B

About me

Personal qualities: attention to details, politeness, responsibility. Optimism, good communicative skills. Hobbies: English, reading books, music, movies, dancing, swimming. From June 2015 to September 2021 was on maternity leave.

Higher education

Saint Petersburg State University
sociology/informatics in sociology, diploma/specialist



EnglishB2 — Upper Intermediate

Professional development, courses

English language
Lingoda , B2.2
English Language
Skyeng, upper-intermediate level
English Language
Language Link, upper-intermediate level

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Armenia, Russia

Desired travel time to work: Up to one hour