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Мужчина, 31 год, родился 9 февраля 1994

Не ищет работу

Армения, готов к переезду, готов к редким командировкам

Указан примерный район поиска работы

Senior Frontend Developer

3 500 $ на руки

  • Программист, разработчик

Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость

График работы: удаленная работа

Опыт работы 7 лет 3 месяца

Апрель 2023по настоящее время
2 года
Senior Frontend Developer
Tasksperformed: - Developed the front end part of the project from scratch, using React.js and TypeScript - Managed workflow and set architecture and needed configurations for the front end - Developed new features in the application - Worked on bug fixing and improving application performance - Created reuseble components for use in all the app. - Ensured the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs - Participated in daily meetings with customers - Collaborated with other team members Technology stack: - React JS - TypeScript
Ноябрь 2021Март 2023
1 год 5 месяцев
Senior Frontend developer
Tasks performed: - developed front end part of the project, - developed new features in the application - Refactored and improved existing code. - Worked on bug fixing and improving application performance - Created reuseble components for use in all the app. - Ensured the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs - Worked with complex and varied data structures - Collaborated with other team members Worked with clients - Managing team workflow Technology stack: - React JS - TypeScript - NX / Monorepo env
Февраль 2022Август 2022
7 месяцев
Senior Frontend Developer
Tasks performed: - Developed front end part of the project, - Developed new features in the application - Refactored and improved existing code. - Help put tools, processes, and documentation in place to improve code quality. - Worked on bug fixing and improving application performance - Take part on re-engineering old application that was written by Angular to the latest version of React - Created reuseble components for use in all the app. - Colloborated with core team to modify core components and optimize performance. - Ensure the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs - Worked with complex and varied data structures - Worked on NX System / Monorepo standarts, Technology stack: - React JS / Preact - TypeScript - NX / Monorepo env - Custom Libraries
Сентябрь 2019Ноябрь 2021
2 года 3 месяца

Армения, Ucraft.com

Frontend Developer
Tasks performed: - Helped put tools, processes, and documentation in place to improve code quality. - Worked on bug fixing and improving application performance - Took part on re-engineering old application that was written by Ember js to the latest version of React - Created reuseble components for use in all the app. - Colloborated with core team to modify core components and optimize performance. - Worked with product, design, and UX team to design and develop new features of the application - Built modular layouts, reusable code and libraries for future use - Refactored and improved existing code. - Ensured the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs - Built reusable components - Worked with complex and varied data structures - Worked closely with our product, design, and UX teams to create amazing and intuitive experiences. - Collaborated with other team members - Helped set technical standards and best practices for the front end team Technology stack: - Ember JS - React Js
Январь 2019Январь 2020
1 год 1 месяц
City Falcon Limited

Великобритания, cityfalcon.com

Frontend Developer
Tasks performed: - Worked on bug fixing and improving the application's performance - Built reusable components - Worked with product, design, and UX team to design and develop new features of the application - Used Redux with React for State management Technology stack: - ReactJS, Redux
Август 2018Январь 2019
6 месяцев
LS Innovations


Frontend Developer
Tasks performed: - Developed front end part of the application from scratch to the end - Worked on bug fixing and improving application performance - Created reuseble components for use in all the app. - Ensured the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs - Used Redux with React for State management - Researched, guide, and execute frontend architecture changes Technology stack: - ReactJS, Redux
Январь 2018Август 2018
8 месяцев
Colibri-Lab Educational Centre


Frontend Developer & Lecturer
Tasks performed: - Tutor of HTML CSS Javascript from basics to advanced level to the group of students (5 - 7 people), - Freelance Technology stack: - Javascript - Jquery - React JS/ Redux - HTML5 - CSS3 / Sass / Less Bootsrap


Уровни владения навыками
React JS
React Redux
React Routing
Common JS
Fabric Js
Английский язык
Frame motion
Agile Project Management
Atlassian Jira
React hooks
Ember js
Next Js

Опыт вождения

Имеется собственный автомобиль

Права категории B, C

Обо мне

I'm A Software Engineer With 4+ Years Of Experience, Mainly Focused On Front-end. Always Glad To Collaborate With Creative Development Team On The Execution Of Ideas And Projects. Seeking To Bring Fast, Intelligent Solutions To The Position Of Front End Developer. HARD SKILLS: - JavaScript (ECMA SCRIPT 5,6,7,8,9,10), V8, Event Loop - React Js, Redux, Context Api, React Hooks, Preact, (React Native non-commercial exp.) - TypeScript - Ember js - JQuery - REST API - Functional / Object-Oriented programming - NX ( Build system with monorepo support ) - Base knowledge / some experience with WEB3/Blockchain/Smart Contracts - HTML5/CSS3/BEM/Boostrap/Less/Sass/Scss - JavaScript Module Bundlers: Webpack SOFT SKILLS: - Able to Build Good Relationships With Team - Non-Panic - Responsible - Adaptability - Team - working - Communication skills - Time Management - Multi-Tasking - Work Under Pressure - Decision making AGILE: Agile Software Development Methodologies: - SCRUM SOFTWARE ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT TOOLS: Project Management/Defect Tracking Systems: - Jira VERSION CONTROL SYSTEMS: - Git, GitHub

Высшее образование (Бакалавр)

Techno-Educational Academy
Web Programming, Frontend Developer
Armenian State University Of Economics

Знание языков


АнглийскийC1 — Продвинутый

РусскийB2 — Средне-продвинутый

Повышение квалификации, курсы

Web Programming
Techno Academy, Frontend Developer

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Армения

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения