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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than two weeks ago
Male, 29 years, born on 28 January 1996
Not looking for a job
Armenia, not willing to relocate, prepared for business trips
Middle game designer / Unreal developer (blueprints)
- Game designer
- Programmer, developer
Employment: full time, part time, project work
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working
Work experience 4 years 10 months
January 2024 — currently
1 year 3 months
Kingdom of Ani
Armenia, www.instagram.com/kingdom_of_ani/
Middle Game designer, Lead Unreal Developer
During my work on Kingdom of Ani project as Lead Unreal Engine developer I created multiple
mechanics including horse riding, NPC behavior setup, random customization for NPC,
animation setup for character, IK setup, etc.
As Middle game designer I worked on creating combat system, investigation and
interrogation systems. Also, I lead my team, manage to do tasks faster and more efficient way, I
learn and develop my skills to match any work I get
June 2020 — currently
4 years 10 months
Grim Future studio
Educational Institutions... Show more
Unreal Engine coach
Developing Unreal Engine courses for students.
October 2022 — June 2023
9 months
Noor Games
Game designer
Everyday idea creation, balancing games, supporting existing successful projects, market research, working with analytics and statistics, cooperating with data scientist.
September 2021 — July 2022
11 months
Cyber mantis
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Junior game designer
Design document creation, working on abilities and enemies for the game and also creating new mechanics. Market research.
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Driver's license category B
About me
My experience:
As Game designer - 3 years
As Unreal Engine generalist - 4 years (blueprints)
As Gamer - 20+ years.
I have extensive knowledge about different aspects of development, such as VFX, animation,
sound design, monetization, level design, blueprint coding, etc.
During my work on Kingdom of Ani project as Lead Unreal Engine developer I created multiple
mechanics including horse riding, NPC behavior setup, random customization for NPC,
animation setup for character, IK setup, etc.
As Middle game designer I worked on creating combat system, investigation and
interrogation systems. Also, I lead my team, manage to do tasks faster and more efficient way, I
learn and develop my skills to match any work I get.
During my work at Noor games, I created more than 200 ideas of hyper casual games and help
also improve existing projects. Overall, I lead my teams, help them develop, learn and inspire to
do well. I also learnt a lot, read 4 books about design and developed my idea creation skill.
During my work at Cyber Mantis I worked as character game designer, worked on enemy NPCs,
player character and their abilities. I designed balance document created new mechanics for
shooting + ability combination part.
During my early career I worked for small indie team. I worked as junior game designer and
helped lead designer to create and review design document. Also, I worked as QA for that
period as well.
Higher education (bachelor)
Экономики и Права, Финансы и кредит
Professional development, courses
Габриель Агияр, VFX от новичка до среднего уровня
Дэниел Оршард (Unreal Engine), Транспорт в Unreal Engine
Yandex, Введение в C++
Роман Сакутин, C# и Unity 3D (2 курса по Юнити)
Anwar Canada, Тестировщик ПО
Changellenge, MS Excel для бизнеса
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Russia
Permission to work: Armenia, Russia
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter