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Мужчина, 61 год, родился 10 февраля 1964
Москва, готов к переезду (Армения, Великобритания, Индия, Москва, ОАЭ, Санкт-Петербург), не готов к командировкам
General Manager
7 500 $ на руки
- Менеджер по продажам, менеджер по работе с клиентами
Занятость: полная занятость
График работы: полный день
Опыт работы 36 лет 1 месяц
Июль 2006 — по настоящее время
18 лет 9 месяцев
American Embassy Community Association
General Manager (Генеральный Директор)
I am responsible for managing the 50 different commercial services that this organization provides to the American Embassy Employees and guests - among them: Commercial renting of apartments and town houses, Duty Free retail shops, Employee Cafeteria, Full service bar, Starbuck’s Coffee Shop, Recreation department with a Fitness centre, weight room, swimming pool, gym; transport services with a fleet of 20 cars and vans; cellular phone and internet service provider; Beauty Salon with hair dresser; Dry cleaning services; organizing Community events 9exhibitions, parties, shows); pre-school and day care services for children; and many other. I act as COO for the Board of Trustees and am responsible for Financial strategy, Marketing activities, procurement, HR, and general management.
Июль 2004 — Июль 2005
1 год 1 месяц
Papa Johns Russia (OOO 4 PAPAS)
Director of Operations, DIrector Generale
After completing a Franchiser’s training in the USA, I was responsible for opening and operating 4 fast food and delivery pizza restaurants in Moscow, as well as sub franchising in Saratov and St. Petersburg. Overall management of the company including strategy formation, planning, marketing, HR, Financial strategy and reporting to investors in GAAP format, Training, Brand management, Quality Control, Procurement, Production, Logistics and Transport, Relationship with Sub Franchisees, PR.
I was also responsible for locating sites and opening new stores and their startup operations.
Январь 2001 — Июль 2004
3 года 7 месяцев
St Petersburg Moscow Railway Station, Russia
Senior Project Manager
Feasibility studies, Business plans and Turnkey Project Management of Building, equipment supply chain, and interior decoration of all retail activity in the station and business start-up including local recruiting, procurement, logistics, sales, marketing, financial reporting (GAAP standards) and services. Successfully opened 11 Food stores in the territory of the biggest railway station in St. Petersburg.
Апрель 1999 — Май 2001
2 года 2 месяца
SVEN Group, Yerevan, Armenia
General Manager (Project & Retail)
Turnkey Project Management of Building, equipment procurement and installation, and interior decoration and business start-up including international recruiting, procurement, logistics, sales, marketing, financial reporting (GAAP standards) and services for a High end Mexican Restaurant.
Май 1995 — Июль 1998
3 года 3 месяца
Royale International Trading, United Arab Emirates
Director of Russian Operation (B2B, Projects)
Opened my own company with partnership in UAE. Financial Consultations and operations, off-shore account openings, export / import of luxury cars and other goods to Russia and other trading activities, as well as project management in the Food Industry (Restaurant BANGKOK for the Russian Economic Academy (Plekhanov). Overall management of this company in Russia and UAE.
Июль 1987 — Март 1995
7 лет 9 месяцев
European Trading and Technologies Ltd., (UK)
Director of Soviet Operations(B2B, Projects)
Started as interpreter during exhibitions. Promoted to Technical Director within 1 year, in charge of all technical problem solving of the company. Promoted to Director in 1989. I was responsible for all aspects of running this multi department organisation, looking after procurement, logistics, sales, services, HR, Financials, import and export operations, opening offices in other cities of the ex Soviet Union. The main business of this company was assembling and trading in hi-tech equipment including mainframe and personal computers, software.
Обо мне
AutoCAD, Photoshop, Coreldraw, MS Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Visio, Project
Interpreter Russian - English
Hobbies: Cooking, Reading, Traveling, Computers
Высшее образование (Магистр)
The Open University, UK
Business Administration, MBA
Lumumba Peoples Friendship University
Mechanical Engineering, Masters (M.Sc)
Знание языков
Повышение квалификации, курсы
Senior Management Course
US Department of State, Certificate
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Индия, Россия
Разрешение на работу: Беларусь, Индия, Россия
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения