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Moscow, metro station Bratislavskaya, willing to relocate (Armenia, Other regions), prepared for occasional business trips
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Deep Learning Engineer (Computer Vision), Python Developer [eng cv]
- Programmer, developer
Employment: full time, part time, project work
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working
Work experience 14 years 6 months
February 2022 — currently
3 years 2 months
Senior Data Scientist
Project on Optical Recognition of Parking Space Occupancy on a Device with Limited Computing Capabilities:
- Weekly calls with the client in English
- Proposing approaches to problem-solving considering business requirements
- Researching, preparing, and generating datasets
- Selection of architecture, training, quantization, deployment of neural networks on a specialized neural processor
- Developed a model that achieved 98% accuracy in real-world conditions (the requirement was 85%)
Project on Compression of Surveillance Camera Video Streams:
- Proposed a concept that allowed for a x5 reduction in stored volume for the h.265 codec, with only a 5% drop in quality
- Training and optimization of neural networks
Gesture Control Project for Smart TVs:
- Optimization of model architectures for computationally weak processors
- Accelerated inference by 27% with only a 3% drop in accuracy
Main libraries/technologies used: pytorch, tensorflow, opencv, openvino, numpy, pycharm, jupyter-lab.
September 2021 — February 2022
6 months
Senior Data Scientist
- Segmentation of document fields, OCR. Implemented a neural network model of printed text recognition, superior in quality to EfficientNet.
- Face recognition, liveness detection (face anti-spoofing).
- Creation of microservices for computer vision tasks (python, kafka).
Technologies and libraries used: tensorflow, jupyter-lab, detectron2, opencv, dlib, numpy, scikit-learn, pycharm.
November 2020 — September 2021
11 months
Senior Data Scientist
Project in the field of computer vision.
Implemented a neural network model to remove shadows and highlights from photographs of faces - for training, I created a synthetic dataset based on restoring a 3d head model from one photo and software 3d rendering.
Implemented a neural network model for correcting white balance and light levels in photographs - for training, I created a synthetic dataset based on my own algorithm for recovering from color targets. The results are superior to those of "Deep White-Balance Editing" (https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.01354)
An algorithm was proposed for quickly determining the dominant color in an image, surpassing K-means in accuracy and speed, the algorithm was accepted for work.
Implemented neural network segmentation of color targets in photographs, bringing them to a rectangular form based on affine transformations.
Implemented neural network segmentation of facial parts.
Implemented the functionality of saving/retrieving hidden textual information in the scales of the neural network.
I was also involved in markup and preparation of datasets.
Technologies used: python, opencv, tensorflow, jupyter, numpy, pandas, sklearn, docker.
January 2013 — October 2020
7 years 10 months
Self-employment / private practice / freelancing
2020 February - 2020 October
A software package for visual detection and face recognition of store visitors.
Produced R&D and implemented the frontal part of the project in the conditions of hardware configuration limitations - software interaction with several local (usb) and network (rtsp) cameras simultaneously, neural network face detection in real time, selection of the best face photo from the sequence, sending it further along the pipeline.
Created custom bootable installation images for booting from a flash drive and installing software on terminal equipment with minimal staff involvement.
Technologies used: python, dlib, openvino, opencv, HTTPServer, threading, REST API, intel neural compute stick 2, google coral tpu.
2019 December – 2020 March.
Distributed hierarchical multi-screen software and hardware complex for displaying advertising media materials (slides, audio, video) according to schedule, playlist, screens.
Participated in the discussion of the system architecture, proposed a number of architectural and technological solutions. Implemented that complex.
Technologies used: python, Django, raspberry pi.
2019 September - December.
Creation of a software package for the Pepper robot (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepper_(robot) ), which implements human-friendly communication with a person. Human-friendly means a combination of verbal (voice) communication, non-verbal (gestures), eye contact (tracking a person's movements), as well as proactivity.
Participated in the discussion of the general concept, proposed a number of technological solutions. Developed architecture, implemented a software package, including:
1) The robot's story about himself and his abilities.
2) A story about the current weather in any city in the world. Tracking the weather in Moscow, proactive notification of the interlocutor about a change in the current forecast.
3) Gestures and movements by voice command (“High five!”, Dancing, “I want to take a selfie with you”, “Follow me”, etc.)
4) A story about the company's products in accordance with the concept of "sales funnel". Including simultaneous presentation of slides and videos on the tablet built into the robot.
5) Issuance of a virtual accumulative discount card to the client. Includes identification of the client by his phone number, or the introduction of a new client in CRM (surveying the full name with confirmation, sending an SMS with a code to verify the number, etc.)
6) Proactively informing others about new sales records or major purchases in chain stores.
Technologies used: python, Choregraphe, naoqi, google cloud speech, google cloud streaming STT, REST API, pymorphy2, dialogflow, mqtt, mysql, sqlite.
2019 June - August.
Study of the possibilities for Russification of the software and hardware complex "Pepper robot" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepper_(robot) ).
Produced R&D, implemented software modules for cloud recognition (Speech-To-Text) and generation (Text-To-Speech) of Russian speech. Wrote demonstration programs in which the robot performs simple physical actions on a voice command in Russian (nodding the head, raising/lowering the arm, etc.); by voice request, search in Wikipedia and voice short information from the found article; perception of a telephone number by ear, obtaining information about the client from the corporate CRM system and its voicing)
Technologies used: python, Choregraphe, google cloud speech, speech recognition.
2019 April - June.
Automation of data collection from open sources on the Internet. ETL, scraping, data cleaning, data matching.
Technologies used: python, pyscrapy, numpy, pandas, google cloud, multiprocessing, jupyter.
October 2010 — January 2013
2 years 4 months
National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
Moscow, www.hse.ru
Educational Institutions... Show more
Programming in Matlab for the processing and analysis of electroencephalograms,
programming of software and hardware complex for experiments,
conducting experiments.
Skill proficiency levels
About me
Responsible, independent, I have a broad outlook and systemic thinking.
I like tasks that require non-standard approaches.
I can understand the needs of business and speak the same language with it.
TensorFlow Certified Developer (2020)
Participation in competitions:
• Humpback Whale Identification (https://www.kaggle.com/c/humpback-whale-identification/) - top 10%, place 203/2131, bronze medal
• Kaggle RSNA Pneumonia Detection Challenge (https://www.kaggle.com/c/rsna-pneumonia-detection-challenge) - top 10%, place 143/1499, bronze medal
• Kaggle Quick, Draw! Doodle Recognition Challenge (https://www.kaggle.com/c/quickdraw-doodle-recognition) - top 33%, place 429/1316
Scientific publications:
• "Auditory attention with a binary choice of response based on the integration of stimulus and reaction signs depending on temperament - Osokina E.S., Chernyshev B.V., Chernysheva E.G., Ivanov M.V. - Experimental Psychology - 2012. Volume .5, No. 4"
Pet projects:
• Hexapod with visual gesture control + the initial stage of autonomy (maintaining a distance from a person). Raspberry Pi, Coral TPU, Python. https://youtu.be/0ticRHhRUHA
• Quadrocopter based on raspberry pi with control over wi-fi. I assembled it from spare parts from a real quadcopter (crosspiece, motors, propellers, battery), as well as a sonar, accelerometer, gyroscope and compass. I designed the control from raspberry myself and wrote the software in python myself.
• Auxiliary software for options trading on the Moscow Exchange. Wrote in Matlab. Graphical interface, calculation of option greeks, calculation and graphical representation of the PnL profile and volatility smiles in 3d. Data is imported from the QUIK terminal via ODBC.
Higher education (master)
National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Moscow
Business Informatics, Management in the field of electronic business and Internet projects
South Ural State University (National Research University), Chelyabinsk
Instrument-making, Automatic Control Systems
Professional development, courses
OpenDataScience society
OpenDataScience society, Machine Learning course
coursera.org, Convolutional Neural Networks
coursera.org, Neural Networks and Deep Learning
coursera.org, Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization
coursera.org, Structuring Machine Learning Projects
ВШЭ & Яндекс
coursera.org, Введение в машинное обучение
Stanford University
Stanford University, CS224d: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
Stanford University
coursera.org, Machine Learning
University of Toronto
coursera.org, Neural Networks for Machine Learning
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Russia
Permission to work: Russia
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter