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Male, 36 years, born on 12 December 1988

Moscow, I want to relocate (Armenia, Georgia, Turkey), prepared for business trips

Senior Java Developer

7 000 $ in hand

  • Programmer, developer

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 9 years

June 2017September 2020
3 years 4 months

Saint Petersburg, money.yandex.ru

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Java Developer (department of backend solutions)
Team: Merchant back office Contribution: - Adding new features and supporting existing functionality of Yandex.Money merchant back office. An example, I've implemented partnership program between Yandex.Money and Tochka bank. - Technological modernization of "Dashboard" backend service - Coordination of a small group of backend developers Team: Payments Contribution: - Moving (refactoring) existing Yandex.Money payment processes to a new technology platform (an example, H2H process which is used by aliexpress) Team: Backend platform Contribution: - A lot of different refactoring activities over all Yandex.Money backend infrastructure - Added database sharding support in several backend services - Added certificate expiration monitoring mechanism for all Yandex.Money backend services - Designed and implemented important internal service for automatisation manual work of ADMSYS, NOC and INFOSEC - Participated in development of a Yandex.Money authorization service Technology stack: Microservice architecture, Java 11 (Kotlin), Spring Boot 2, Gradle, Git, Bitbucket, Postgres, Flyway, Jooq, Kafka, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Grafana
October 2015May 2017
1 year 8 months
Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions (ex.T-Systems)

Saint Petersburg, dt-it-solutions.ru/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Senior java developer
Project: EOBR Customer: Continental Description: EOBR is a backend subproject of truck telematics and fleet management system Conti-EOBR based on the digital tachograph Roadlog by Continental. This product allow fulfill minimum requirements of the United States and Canadian authorities (www.vdoroadlog.com) Contribution: - Backend development (Java 8, Spring, JPA, PostgreSQL, Liquibase, REST/Web Services, Tomcat, JMS) - Unit and integration tests - Bugfixing
September 2014July 2015
11 months
Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions (ex.T-Systems)

Saint Petersburg, dt-it-solutions.ru/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Java developer
Project: Portal2 Customer: Schmitz Cargobull Description: Portal2 is a backend project of trailer tracking management system for Schmitz Cargobull. Contribution: 1. Different BE implementation activities (Java 8, Spring, JPA, QueryDSL, Oracle, Liquibase, JBoss AS, JMS) 2. Unit and integration tests (JUnit, Arquillian Tests)
February 2013September 2014
1 year 8 months
Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions (ex.T-Systems)

Saint Petersburg, dt-it-solutions.ru/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Junior java developer
Project: Logiweb Customer: MAN Description: Logiweb is a legacy Telematics platform which for 15 years provides services such as fleet management, diagnostics and logistics. Contribution: - Logiweb client development and bugfixing (Swing, JavaFX) - Logiweb scheduler (maintenance and autoreport modules) development (Quartz, Oracle, JDBC) - Reports generation (Apache Velocity)
April 2011September 2012
1 year 6 months

Saint Petersburg, nicetu.spb.ru/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Junior java developer
Development and testing of standalone applications (Java Swing) for the military industry.


Skill proficiency levels
Spring Framework

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B, C

About me

Major strengths: results-oriented, responsibility, attention to detail, analytical thinking, creative Hobbies: outdoor activities, play music

Higher education (master)

Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI"
Faculty of Computer Science and Technology, Software engineering



EnglishB2 — Upper Intermediate

Professional development, courses

ФОРС (www.fors.ru), PostgreSQL administration (basic course)
T-Systems Java School
T-Systems, Enterprise Java Developer

Tests, examinations

Oracle Certified Professional
Oracle, Java SE 6 Programmer

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter