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Male, 61 year, born on 5 May 1963

Not looking for a job

Turkey, I want to relocate (Australia, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Vietnam, Greece, Georgia, India, Qatar, Cyprus, China, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Latvia, Macedonia, Malaysia, Republic of Maldives, Morocco, Monaco, New Zealand, UAE, Russia, Romania, Serbia, Thailand, Taiwan, Turkey, Philippines, Croatia, Sri Lanka, Estonia, South Africa), prepared for business trips

QA / QC Manager / Supervisor / Engineer

  • Quality engineer

Employment: full time, project work

Work schedule: full day, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 37 years 11 months

June 2021currently
3 years 10 months

Turkey, www.assystem.com

Lead QA/QC Engineer
Project: AKKUYU 4x1200MW Nuclear Power Plant (Independent Construction Inspection) Mersin / TURKEY Client: ROSATOM (Russian State Atomic Energy Cooperation, Owner & Operator of NPP) Scope: As a Lead QA/QC Engineer (Mechanical) at Independent Inspection Organization - Review, comment/approve Contractor’s Quality Documents for Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning related QA/QC such as Project Quality Management Plans, Quality Control Procedures, ITP, WMS, WPS, PQR, WQR, TQ/FQ, TDR/CR, TSR/TS, MTC, FAT, SAT as well as Materials and Suppliers/Vendors & TPI selection/approvals etc. - Lead to QC Inspectors up to 7 and ensure that QCI(s) are fully aware of the Project Quality Plan & ITP. - As a Lead of Inspectors, attending to inspection & testing activities randomly or any complicated/critical item to be inspected. - Check, approve & Issue all of ITR Inspection & Test Reports which are prepared by inspectors. - Make sure EPC Contractors comply with the Company HSSE Policy, with the goal to eliminate all injuries, occupational illnesses, unsafe practices and environmental incidents, respect & care for the environment and systematically manage risks.
June 2018May 2021
3 years

Turkmenistan, www.metroelektrik.com.tr

Project QA/QC Manager
Project: ZERGER 320MW Simple Cycle Power Plant Turkmenabad / TURKMENISTAN Client: TURKMENERGO (TURKMENISTAN State Power Corporation) Main EPC: SUMITOMO Corporation / RENAISSANCE Heavy Industries Scope: Preparing of all QMS related documents and setup / implementation after getting the Client approval for Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning such as Project Quality Manual (PQM), Project Quality Plans (PQP) / Quality Control Procedures (QCP) / Inspection & Test Plan (ITP) / Work Method Statement (WMS) / Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS) / Procedure Qualification records (PQR) / Technical Query (TQ), Field/Site Query (FQ/SQ), Technical Deviation Request (TD/TDR) Technical Specifications Requirements (TS/TSR) / Concession Request (CR) / Material and Vendor Approval requests (MAR), Quality Control Records (QCR), Key Performance Indicators (KPI) etc. - Managing QC/QC Staff up to 12 and ensure that Qa/QC staff is fully aware of the Project Quality Plan. - Obtaining the client approval, monitor & follow up the Sub-Contractors, Manufacturers/Vendors for the timely submission and approval of project QA/QC related docs such as Manufacturers’/Contractors’ PQP, QCP(s), ITP(s), procedures for Inspection/Test, Audit, NCR, NDT, Consumable, Tractability etc, and drawings mechanical. Also TPI, CV of Quality staff, WPS, WQR, MTC, FAT, SAT, TOP etc. Supporting to prepare SQ/FQ, TQ & TDR. - Provide active support to the project team to prepare / finalization of various project documents such as Project Execution Plan (PEP), departmental procedures/plans, forms/templates for records, indexes such as; MRBs / Project Final Dossier / MCC / Pre-commissioning dossier, Test Packs· Pressure Tests / Loop Checking, and ensure their effective implementation by the review of associated documentation and participation in respective inspection, punch listing and walk throughs. - Effective planning and implementation of design control, verification, validation and review activities, coordination of vendor assessment and inspection activities, the site construction inspection and testing activities. Implementation of non-conformance, corrective action, and preventative action management processes as well as establishment of an effective integrated risk-based assessment program - Ensuring that Inspection & Test Notification (ITN) issued to the client in timely manner and inspection and tests are carried out & documented in accordance with the approved plans, - Ensure effectiveness of Project Management Review Programs including collection analysis and reporting of project performance measures. - Closely monitor Sub-Con and TPI activities, associated QA/QC resource deployment, adequacy and their performance (including QP QC inspectors), and report any shortcomings to Project Manager - Preparing MC (Mechanical Completions) Dossiers and HOD (Hand over Dossiers) for construction and commissioning activities.
February 2016June 2017
1 year 5 months

Qatar, www.qp.com.qa

Q-HSE Team Leader & Senior Qa/Qc Engineer (Offshore Projects)
Project: Offshore Projects; Topside, Wellhead Jacket/Platform & Subsea installation PERSIAN GULF Scope: As Client Qa/Qc, ensure the implementation/effectiveness of the PQP & Corporate Quality Requirements, latest Codes, Standards, National and Corporate requirements, procedures by EPC Contractors which are required throughout all stage of FEED, EPCI, Hookup, Pre-commissioning, Commissioning and Handover. - Manage & coordinate QC and HSE team up to 6 Inspector Structural/Welding/Piping/NDT, Rotating/Static Equipment, Coating/Insulation and Electric/Instrumentation. - Reviews, comments and approves submittals of Contractors PQP, QCP(s), ITP(s) including QC-procedures (such as Inspection/Test, Audit, NCR, NDT, Consumable, Tractability etc) and drawings mechanical. Also TPI, CV of Quality staff, WPS, WQR, MTC, FAT, SAT, TOP etc. Reply FQ, TQ & TDR raised by Contractors. - As Lead Quality Engineer to supervise & management of PM/QCI - Civil/Structural, Piping/Welding, Mechanical, Coating/Insulation, Electrical/I&C and TPI/QCI to ensure that procurement, construction & pre-com & commissioning are in compliance with the specified design requirements and meets quality & performance objectives. Conduct audit and originate SIR & CAR/NCR. Implementation of KPI Sys - Attend to inspections & tests as Hold & Witness points or Surveillance as per ITP at fabrication yard for installation of static & rotary mechanical equipment / pre-installed skids, structural, piping/welding coating, Electrical/I&C for “Jacket & Topside Modules” and offshore hookup, mechanical completion, commissioning oversight up to handover. - Observe FAT to SAT installation. Attend MC & Final walkdown. Notify contractor & Preparing Punch List. - Review/signing of field Inspection & Test Reports, SAT and “Final Documentations/Handover Dossiers”. - As QHSE Team Lead and “Clint-Rep”, Demonstrate HSE leadership by actively engaging the site team and EPC contractors with actions that contribute to delivering on HSE expectations.
January 2013July 2015
2 years 7 months
SHELL Global Solution International BV Hague / NETHERLANDS

Kazakhstan, www.shell.com

Senior Qa/Qc Engineer
Company: (Jan.14-Jul.15) Agip KCO (North Caspian Operating Company Phase-I) Atyrau / KAZAKHSTAN (Jan.13-Jan.14) SHELL Global Solution International BV Hague / NETHERLANDS Project: Kashagan Field Development Project, D-Island Offshore – HUC* Caspian Sea/KAZAKHSTAN * Hook-Up & Commissioning includes 2 trains of Oil & Gas processing units from wellheads to subsea pipeline. Offshore complex 1.5 million bpd is built on 13 Vessels at D-Island platform in Caspian Sea Client: Consortium of SHELL, ENI, EXXONMOBIL, TOTAL, KazMunayGas, CNPC and Inpex (North Caspian Sea PSA) Scope: Seconded to Agip KCO as a Quality & Integrity inspector for checking construction of 2 train offshore processing units per contract, drawings, ISO, PID before commissioning. Involved barges & facilities are; - Main 12 Well Heads, manifold & RGI- Modules (Row Gas Injection and Seal Gas Compression & Coolers), - Oil&Gas Separation (HP, MP, LP) System, Oil Export pumps, Booster pumps, Pig Launchers & Receivers - Chemical Storage & Distribution/Injection Sys. (Methanol, Antifoam, Wax, and Corrosion Inhibitor), - Dehydration System & TEG storage, make-up/reclaiming Sys. Leak test Nitrogen and Seal Gas Sys, - Power Generation-Flash Gas Compressor barges, Fuel Gas Skids, Start-up fuel gas compressor. - Open & Closed Drain System Water Treatment Package. HP & LP Blow-down Sys and Flare Package, - Set-up Quality System at fabrication yard/workshop of suppliers including reviewing/approval of quality procedures & ITP for prefabrication, welding & painting and WPS, WQR, Consumable, NDE procedures. - After Jan-14; working directly for Agip KCO to installation of new pipelines (Trunk Line 2 x 28” x 95Km), Sub-sea & Onshore for Sour-gas & Sour-Oil from offshore D-Island to OPF-Onshore Production Facilities. - Pipeline Welding & coating inspection including Valve Stations. RT-Film interpretation, witness UT & MT.
April 2012January 2013
10 months
ILF Consultant Engineers Vienna / AUSTRIA

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, www.ilf.com

Senior Qa/Qc Engineer & Team Leader of Consultant Engineers
Project: Embedded Owner Engineers for SEC Najran PP Ext-IV* and Sharurah PP Ext-II* / K.S.A * Extension projects are consisting of 2x80 MW and 2x50MW Gas Turbine and related utilities. Client: SEC (Saudi Electric Company) is owner, who is authority for the State PP and Transmission Lines in KSA. Scope: As a PMC-Project Management Consultant Engineer; - Reviewing & approve Contractor's Quality Submittals to ensure that EPC Contractors meets Company standards & relevant industry codes at stages; design, material procurement, manufacturing, construction, commissioning, first fire and trial run.. - Reviewing & approval of proposed Sub-Contractors/Vendors and their QA Systems as well as 3rd Party. - Coordination of Consultant Engineers (19) for project management, review/approval of contractor Design/Materials & Procurement, Construction, & Commissioning Supervision up to the warranty period. - Provide functional guidance to all members of PMT teams and coordination between disciplines. - Project coordination between EPCs and overall supervision of project quality system. - Ensure implementation of EPC Contractor QMS, Monitoring Construction Contractor's QC activities are conducted per the requirements of the contract & Contractor's control procedures, plans etc. - Receiving of RFI from contractor and planning of inspection& tests, collecting & evaluating results. - Review & approval of WPS, Welder/Welding operator qualifications and NDE procedures RT,PT,MT,OT - At the beginning, acting as owner QC-Civil inspector to witness, review & endorsing/approving of lab & field tests. For lab test of Trial Mix Design, Proctor test, Tensile & Bend Testing of rebar for RCC. - Witnessing & endorsing Field Trial Mix. Inspection & Qualification of Batching Plant and Equipment. - Participating & endorsing of periodic tests for Coarse Aggregates, Fine Aggregates, and Mixing Water as well as. Chloride Permeability Testing, Air Content test and Chloride & Sulfate Content in Concrete - Witnessing workability of concrete by Slump test, temperature, compressive strength by Crush test. - Attending field soil tests to determination of field density by Sand Cone or Nuclear Gauge, - Auditing of Contractors/Sub-con facilities. Attending to Factory / Site Inspection & Test and signing of FAT & SIR. Prepare internal SIR or issuing the site instructions, CAR & NCR if any non-conformances. - Establish the construction, pre-commissioning, commissioning & trial run docs’ turnover requirements. - Committed to project Safety, Health, Environmental & Security. Acting as a HSE engineer if necessary.
September 2010February 2012
1 year 6 months
ABB – Process Automation Division Milan / ITALY

Algeria, www.abb.com

Site QA/QC & Certification Manager
Project: El Merk Oil Field Development, Off-Site Facilities (FGS, GDM, FL & TL) El Merk / ALGERIA Offsite Facilities consist of 10 Field Gathering Stations, 6 Gas Distribution Manifolds and 610 km PL. Pipelines are 168 Flowlines/Trunklines between Central Processing Facility-CPF and 80-Christmas trees; Oil Production Well-39, Gas Producer-8, Water Source-7, Gas injection/Gas lift-14, Water injection-22. Client: GB, GROUPEMENT BERKINE (An investment of Sonatrach, Anadarko, ConocoPhillips, Eni Oil, Talisman) Scope: Implementation of Project Quality Control Plan, the Development & update of QA system and QC documents. Management of 52 QA/QC and Certification staff. Coordinating ARH activities. - Identify any site organization deficiency, carry out site internal audits, analyze critical point and, in collaboration with Site Manager, to propose & implement corrective action. - Reviewing & approval of materials submissions of sub-con accordance with project requirement & Std. - Ensure all construction works meet project specifications, procedures, codes & specific requirements, - Attending randomly to inspection and tests, according to QCP “Quality control plan for the site activities”, verifying that the inspector / Supervisor report & approve the results per QCP, - Reviewing WPS, witnessing WQT-Welders qualification. Training & supervising of welding inspectors. - Welding & coating inspection pipelines, Piping & spool inspection, RT-Film interpretation, witness UT - Setup & implementation of GCS (Global Control System) to monitor inspections &-tests. Make sure ITN (Inspection & Test notification) is issued timely and ITR (inspection test report) is signed-off on time. - Collecting ITRs, updating the inspection and tests status to GCS to maintain a traceability of the documents for all inspection activities of prefabrication, construction 8 commissioning works, - Preparing weekly KPI (Key Performance Indicator) and Monthly Site Quality Report. - Setup & Implementation of ACS (Automated Completion System) for Certification & Handover. Preparing MC (Mechanical Completions) Dossiers and TOP (Turn over Pack) for construction and commissioning activities for 1088 Systems at 96 locations.
April 2009July 2010
1 year 4 months
GAMA Power Systems Engineering & Contracting Inc Ankara / TURKEY

Macedonia, www.goma.com.tr

Senior Mechanical Adviser (Quality / Installation & Commissioning )
Project: 220 MW Combined Cycle Cogeneration Power Plant Project Skopje / MACEDONIA Client: TE-TO AD Scope: Checking mechanical installation of CCPP daily and notifying the sub-contractors if any discrepancies found according to contract, standards, drawings, ISO, P&ID, PFD etc. - Manage site mechanical departments (Equipment, Piping, Boiler, Turbine, and Utility) in budget and resources, project costs and schedules, and preparing periodic management reports. - Supervision for Equipment installation without vendor supervisor except ST&GT, which are ALSTOM. - Preparing/reviewing WPS, witnessing PQR & WQT tests. Visual & NDT check of all critical weld joints - Monitors & corrects hazardous situations to assure the workplace safety and to stop unsafe acts. - Reviewing & replying to all mechanical RFI in coordination with HQ engineering department - Responsibility of all pre-commissioning activity including preparing of as-built P&ID during construction phase as well as commissioning of equipments, start-up & trial run. - Interface across plant functions providing technical support for plant construction improvements, to provide flawless commissioning, operations, maintenance, reliability, safety, and performance (+++) CCPP - Power Plant main equipment installation consist of GT (Alstom - GT13E2), ST (Alstom ST18 - 8CK76), Gas Compressor (Atlas Copco GT032 T2D1) and various LP/HP Pumps, Air Compressors / Diesel Gen, Fire Sys, HVAC equipment, Water Treatment & Waste Water Plants, Demi Water Plant. Also static equipment; HRSG-Boiler (ALSTOM), Gas Metering Station, Cooling Tower, Horizontal Vertical Drums, Condenser, Heat Exchanger, Vessels & Tanks including piping & various valves.
September 2006January 2009
2 years 5 months
MMG (Mohammed Al MOJIL Group) Dammam / SAUDI ARABIA

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, www.almojilgroup.com

Site QA/QC Manager
Feb.08 – Jan.09 Site QA/QC Manager Company: MMG (Mohammed Al MOJIL Group) Dammam / SAUDI ARABIA Project: PET Conversion & De-Bottleneck Plant Project. Yanbu / SAUDI ARABIA Client: SABIC Ibn Rushd Petrochemical Complex - Scope: Implement QA-QC System at site to carry out the project specific quality control and assurance activities as detailed in the Project Quality Plan. - Manage & coordinate QC team of 23 ( 21 Inspector Structural, Civil, Welding, Piping, Rotating / Static Equipment, Coating, Insulation, E&I, 1 NDT / PMI Technician and 1 Document controller) and ensure that QC personnel are fully aware of the Project Quality Plan. - Ensuring that inspection and tests are carried out & documented in accordance with the approved plans, - Preparing WPS, conducting PQR & WQT tests. Leading to Welding Inspectors. Inspection of critical welds - Ensure the safety is adhered to at site. - Control all non-conformance & undertake remedial action. Participate in internal & external site audits - Ensure all quality control documentation is compiled & completed for as-built hand over to the Client. Sept.06–Jan.08 Senior Quality Assurance Engineer (Bidding & Operation/Construction) Company: MMG (Mohammed Al MOJIL Group) Dammam / SAUDI ARABIA Project: Total 18 ongoing construction/ maintenance projects in the field of Oil & Gas (Oil Refinery, Petrochemical Plant, Fertilizer Plant, and Pipe Line, Oil Wells as offshore & onshore) also construction of Power Plant, Steel Factory and Desalination Plant. Client: ARAMCO, SABIC, SAFCO, FOSTER WHEELER, LINERCO, Saudi TOYO, FLOUR DANIEL Int. Scope: As a Senior QA Engineer of the construction company at the HQ; - Reviewing (Black Spot Analysis) of biding & contract documents and report to the Engineering / Project Control departments to cost & planning including QA/QC man-power estimation for bids - Preparing of QA/QC Packages (includes P.Q.A.M, QCIP, QCR & Report Forms, WMS & Operating Instructions) for bids / awarded projects and implementation of Client comments - CV evaluation / interviewing of QA/QC candidates, recruitment, deployment (over 150) and planning of QA/QC personnel (over 290) for 18-projects.
May 2005September 2006
1 year 5 months
BOTAS; is state authority for transportation of crude oil & gas by pipeline. ANKARA / TURKEY

Turkey, www.botas.gov.tr/

Senior Completions (Commissioning) Engineer (Rotary / Stationary Equipment & Piping)
Project : BTC Crude Oil Pipe Line (Turkish section of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan crude oil Pipe Line with capacities 50 MTA; 46”x1076 Km’s, 4 Pumps St, 2 Terminal On/Offshore, 51 Block Valves St.) Client: British Petroleum (BP) Scope: As an EPC Completions Engineer; to install commission & hand over Pump Stations - 2, 3 & 4 Main duties were but not limited to; - Checking the sub-contractor’s mechanical installation(***) daily and notify the sub-contractors about any discrepancies found according to contract, standards, drawings, ISO, P&IDs, PFD (Process Flow Diagram) ITPs and project specifications with an end result to ensure the contractor generated a finished installation that meets project specifications and quality. Issuing a NCR if any non-conformity - Acting as Completions Manager, - Dealing with QA/QC problems and to ensure the safe quality of installation, - Ensure all work is carried out in line with HSE standards and the Project practices, - Managing the supervision in guiding and overseeing the completions work undertaken by the various construction contractors preparing systems for hand-over and hence to minimize the affects of interfaces that the commissioning contractor's/vendor’s work that meets the commissioning objectives by ensuring the commissioning contractor's activities, - Checking vendors commissioning procedures, method statements (WMS), risk assessment (RA), write and / or add relevant points missed out by vendor also preparing procedures, WMS, - Final checking to prepare Punch Lists & As-Build P&ID, ISO and confirming all the rotating / stationery equipment was fit for purpose to gain Mechanical Completions, and then to progress Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning, and finally start-up, - Data assembling to GOC (certification software of BP ), checking and collating all various certification documents, drawings, certificates of conformity etc, to make sure the entire mechanical documentation was in place to ensure client satisfaction for completion & hand over, - Completion of all cold tests of equipment and performing the line fill with crude oil and commissioning test of all equipment for Pump Stations, - Finding solution to Engineering, Quality, Process and Operating problems together with the Engineering Management, - Participate in and assist with the coordination of the Project's Function & Performance Test(s), - To act as Senior Maintenance Engineer after commissioning works for all Pump (4) & Pigging (2) Stations including Block Valves (51). (***) Pump Station Mechanical Installation consist of Gas - Engines / horizontal & vertical HP - LP Pumps / Compressors / Diesel Generator as large scale rotary equipment, Scraper Receiver -Launcher / Tanks & Vessels / Strainers as stationery equipment, piping including large diameter of Relief Valves / NRV / TCV / PCV / FCV / MOV / ESD & E/H actuating units. Also Metering Station, F&G / Fire Fighting Sys, Water Treatment Sys, Waste Water Treatment Plant, Compressed & Instrument Air Plant, Fuel-gas System and Cooling / Heat Recovery / Hot Water & HVAC System Equipment as well as the buildings steel structure & sanitary systems.
August 2003May 2005
1 year 10 months
SCL - Sakhalin Construction Ltd / ALSIM-ALARKO A.S. - Sakhalin Island/Russia


QA/QC Supervisor ( Piping / Welding Works )
Project: Sakhalin LNG Project- II (2x4.8 annual million tones LNG and Oil Export Terminal) RUSSIA Client: Sakhalin Energy Investment Co; (is a SHELL Investment) EPC: CTSD ; ( is CHIYOTEC Ltd & TOYO Eng Ltd Sakhalin Development) Scope: As a construction company QA/QC Supervisor to installation / test and hand over total 436 Inch-Km’s CS, HDPE & GRE piping with dia 4” to 24” and the crude oil pipe line 30”x1 Km. - Preparing and implementation of project quality plan for the piping related works - Preparing Method Statement (WMS) for CS, HDPE, GRE piping, Painting & Insulation, - Preparing WPS, and conducting PQR & WQR tests according to ASME-IX & GOST. - Preparing Procedures for NDT (RT, MPI, DPI & Welding Consumables). - Over all responsibility of all QA/QC site & office activity for piping/welding works such as; - Managing of QC inspectors, Line checkers, NDT Technician and third party NDT sub-contractor. - Coordinating inspection (RFI) & test together with EPC & the Client after performing internal inspection/test and arranging of test equipment/manpower for all pipe/valve/instrument installation works including welding, painting & tape wrapping, insulation & foam insulation. - Conducting NDT test, interpretation of PT/MT & RT results and preparation of reports. - Ensuring daily inspections and submitting of daily reports to the QA/QC Manager. Build and maintain all inspection reports, testing reports & the test packages and have appropriate turn-over documentation binders for each phase of the project, which include all mechanical, welding and piping test results.
October 1995March 2003
7 years 6 months
ELTEM-TEK Consulting & Engineering. Service A.S.


Owner Project Engineer (& Owner Site Coordinator)
Projects: FGD (Flue Gas Desulphurization) retrofit for; a) (1995-1999) EUAS 3x210 MW YATAGAN Thermal Power Plant Mugla / TURKEY b) (1999-2003) EUAS 1x210 MW ORHANELI Thermal Power Plant Bursa / TURKEY Client: EUAS; is client authority for the State Power Plants and Transmission/Distribution Lines Scope: As a Client (owner) representative with full responsibility of retrofitting four (4) FGD Plants; main duties were but not limited to; - Managing of Owner’s Engineer site team (civil, lining, electrical, instrument & process engineer) as a Site Coordinator. - Provided coordination between the site organizations and the client HQ as well as coordinating and participating in all review meetings with the contractors - To act as Client Health & Safety Engineer to monitor that contractors meet Company safety rules - To act as Client representative to ensure that design works by contractors meets Company standards and relevant industry codes. Field Engineering / Construction Management & Supervision of mechanical works I&C installation and, their quality, provide coordination between civil and mechanical works as a client engineer. Checking the contractor’s activity daily, inform the Client Site Manager and notify contractors abut the any discrepancies found according to the contract, drawings, P&IDs, BFD (Block Flow Diagram) the project specifications, standards and common engineering practice. As a result, ensure contractors generate a finished installation that meets the project specifications, as well as planned budget & schedule. - Monitor the site for unsafe situations and maintain safety awareness with the contractors - Replying mechanical EDC (engineering & design change) requested by contractors as FCN (Field Change Notice), FQ (field query), CR (concession request) and preparing TQ (technical query), or NCR if any non-conformity - Participated in all aspects of Inspection & test of mechanical equipments (pumps / agitators / air-blowers / compressors / generators / conveyors / bucket elevators / crushers / re-claimers / weigh-belts / wet-mills / gas-gas heaters – regavos / personnel elevators / pack-mills also gypsum handling & water treatment plants; firefighting system equipment as rotating and Tanks & vessels /cyclones / bunkers / silos / Scrubber towers as static, piping, steel structure, welding & brazing, rubber & flake-lining of tank / pipe / ducts, coating & insulation, NDT, pressure & leakage tests and cold & hot commissioning test of all equipment as well as acceptance test of FGD Plant). Reviewed & evaluated all Tests protocols & QA/QC documents according to the contract, TIP- test and inspection plan and standards, to sign protocols. - Dealing/participating electrical/civil & process engineering issue - Prepared Punch Lists for I&C and mechanical installation including coating/insulation/lining. - Taking part at the commissioning, start-up and trial run activities of mechanical equipment (rotating, stationary equipment and DCS-Teleperm-ME & XP Sys and PLC Units). - Checking & approval of monthly progressing bill of contractors. - Observing overall commissioning, start-up and trial run activities of the plant and preparing punch list for process and over all operation problems. - Releasing of testing, mechanical completions, commissioning, start-up and trial run protocols - Member of official “Temporary/Final Acceptance Committee” for Orhaneli & Yatagan FGD.
April 1985September 1995
10 years 6 months
ENERTES Ltd. (TURKEY) / CROMWELL SECURITY Ltd. ( London / U.K. ) ISLEM Ltd- LIBYA Branch ( Benghazi / LIBYA )


QC Engineer / Commissioning Engineer / Mechanical Engineer/Supervisor.
Jan.1994 – Sept.1995 Position: QC Engineer / Commissioning Engineer. -- ENERTES Ltd. (TURKEY) Client//EPC: TUPRAS; Turkish Petroleum Refinery A.S // FOSTER WHEELER Job detail: IZMIR Refinery expansion ( Isomerization Plant ) project ( All responsibility of all QA/QC site & office activity of piping/welding works & mechanical equipment installation of Isomerization Plant as a QA/QC Engineer. To act as Commissioning Engineer during the commissioning phase after mechanical completion). Dec.1990 – Nov.1993 Position: Installation / Commissioning Engineer. --- CROMWELL SECURITY Ltd. ( London / U.K. ) Client//EPC: Several medium& small size costumers Job detail: Planning, installation and maintenance of interlock & security systems. Nov.1989 – Jul.1990 Position: Senior -- ISLEM Ltd- LIBYA Branch ( Benghazi / LIBYA ) Client//EPC: LEC (LIBYA Electricity Authority) // LTEC (Libya Turkish Engineering Consulting) Ltd. Job detail: Installing of CASCS (computer aided stock control system) for Power Plants. Dec.1987 – Nov.1989 Position: Mechanical Site / Commissioning Engineer. -- IZOFER Ltd. ( Mugla / TURKEY) Client//EPC: TEK (Turkish Electricity Authority, former name of EUAS) // ELECTRIM (POLAND) Job detail: 3x210 Thermal Power Plant ( Kemerkoy/MUGLA-Turkey ): Installation and commissioning (cold & hot) of Coal Handling (crasher, conveyors, re-claimer) System. Apr.1985 – Mar.1986 Position: Mechanical Site Engineer. - IZOFER Ltd. (Urfa & Kirikkale / TURKEY) Job detail: > KIRIKKALE Refinery for TUPRAS: Painting & Insulation of miscellaneous tanks, pipes, equipment > URFA Cement Factory for CITOSAN A.S: Installation of rotating equipments (crushers , grinding mills, conveyors, re-claimer, compressors & packing system) and stationery (vessels, bunkers, silos, cyclones & filters) equipment in the Cement Factory.


Skill proficiency levels
Oil And Gas
Quality Control
ISO 9001:2008

Driving experience

Driver's license category B

About me

CAREER SUMMARY Senior B.S. Mechanical Engineer; responsible for overall control of supervision within the Construction group, Projects Control, Mechanical Completions (commissioning), QA/QC, Design & Process groups within the Process (petrochemical), Oil & Gas (upstream, midstream & downstream) and Power Industry, on the major EPC & Construction Contractor side and Client/Company (PMT, PMC) side for a total of 26 years (Oil & Gas / Refinery = 13 Power Plant = 10, Others =3) Brownfield / Greenfield and onshore / offshore experience. Key Competencies; - Self-motivated, able to work unsupervised & flexible. Adaptability and problem solving capacity, - Able to make decisions at all level of organizations and Project Management Team, - Managing commissioning /construction/ QA - QC teams (civil/ structural, welding / piping, Rotating / Static equipment, coating / insulation, electrical / instrument) multidisciplinary & multinational, - Conversant in large multi-discipline integrated construction projects with multinational-companies, - Primarily responsible for ensuring all aspects of Quality on the nominated project, - Capable of covering multidiscipline ( civil, mechanical & electrical / I&C ) engineering scope, - Fully conversant with ISO 9001 QMS as it relates to large project execution and Quality Audit, - Working experience with codes, in particular API, ASTM, ASME, ANSI, NFPA, EN, SHELL ARAMCO, SEC - Ensuring compliance with Health Safety Environmental ( HSE ), PHA / HAZOP, PTR and PTW - An effective PC user, advanced knowledge on the computer software & hardware.

Higher education (bachelor)

Anadolu University
Mechanical, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

IRCA Registered QMS Lead Auditor ISO-9001-2015 (No:17-5636, UDN 345901)
ESENEK, ISO-9001-2015 QMS
NDT Certifications ASNT Level-2 RT-FI, PT, MT per SNT-TC-1A
Certified Welding Inspector CSWIP 3.1, Cert No: 465109 Exp:27.Feb.2025
TWI / UK 2009, Welding Inspector CSWIP 3.1

Tests, examinations

Lead Auditor ISO-9001-2015
IRCA, IRCA Registered QMS Lead Auditor ISO-9001-2015 (No:17-5636, UDN 345901)
Certified Welding Inspector
TWI, Certified Welding Inspector CSWIP 3.1, Cert No: 465109 Exp:27.Feb.2025

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Turkey

Permission to work: Turkey

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter