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Armenia, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips

Environmental Consultant, Консультант по экологическому менеджменту

  • Occupational health and safety engineer, environmental engineer

Employment: project work

Work schedule: flexible schedule

Work experience 23 years 1 month

January 2019currently
6 years 3 months
The World Bank
Environmental Specialist
Environmental Specialist
May 2017January 2018
9 months
Envidatec, Germany /Armenia Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency Fund


Environmental and Social Expert
- Perform Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the project which complies with the national laws, the EIA Directive, EBRD’s Environmental and Social Policy (2008) and its relevant Performance Requirements (PR’s); - Preparation of Environmental and Social Action Plan (identify mitigation measures to avoid, minimise, mitigate or offset /compensate for adverse impacts on the environment, affected communities and workers for all phases of the project (design, construction, operation)); - Development of Stakeholder Engagement Plan (that complies with EBRD’s PR 10) of the proposed project.
July 2015January 2018
2 years 7 months
Armenia Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency Fund

Armenia, r2e2.am

Public Activity, Political Parties, Volunteering, Non-Profit Organizations... Show more

Environmental and Social Expert
Environmental and social management of Geothermal Exploratory Drilling operations (Geothermal Exploratory Drilling Project) Achievements:  Coordinated Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and preparation of Environmental Management Plan of the exploratory drilling at Karkar geothermal site in compliance with the requirements of the World Bank safeguards guidelines  Coordinated preparation of Resettlement Policy Framework for exploratory drilling at Karkar geothermal site in compliance with the requirements of the World Bank guidelines  Prepared Environmental and Social Impact Assessment report in compliance with the requirements of national legislation  Conducted 4 public hearings in compliance with the requirements of national legislation and WB  Specified all environmental requirements to contractors (design/construction/drilling)  Designed checklists and reporting forms for each of the environmental monitoring activities  Monitoring and preparation of monthly reports for the Bank.
January 2013January 2018
5 years 1 month
Armenia Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency Fund

Armenia, r2e2.am

Public Activity, Political Parties, Volunteering, Non-Profit Organizations... Show more

Environmental Expert
Environmental and social management of energy efficiency sub-projects (Energy Efficiency Project) Achievements:  Prepared more than 60 checklist Environmental Management Plans for public and municipal buildings and street lighting Energy Efficiency sub-projects in compliance with the requirements of the World Bank safeguards guidelines  Ensured that good housekeeping, safe work conditions and environmental management are practiced on all project sites (more than 60), including waste management, noise and dust control, emission control, wastewater management, protection of soils and vegetation, separate management and safe disposal of any hazardous or toxic materials that have an adverse impact on environment and human health  Developed and implemented environmental monitoring plans.
January 2017March 2017
3 months
The World Bank

Kyrgyzstan, www.worldbank.org/

Environmental Consultant
Heat Supply Improvement Project - Consultation during the preparation of Project Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) and Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) in compliance with the World Bank safeguards requirements and Kyrgyz Republic environmental legislation; - Provide guidance to Project Implementation Units in Kyrgyz Republic on efficient mitigation of environmental impacts and monitoring to ensure environmental and social measures are properly implemented.
June 2016September 2016
4 months
Business & Finance Consulting GmbH, Switzerland


Business Services... Show more

Environmental & Climate Risk Assessment Expert
Support for the financing of the agriculture sector in Armenia, Phase II  Development of environmental and climate risk screening procedure  Development of training course on environmental and climate risk assessment  Delivery of training courses to four institutions.
May 2016June 2016
2 months
The World Bank


Financial Sector... Show more

Environmental Safeguards Consultant
Support the Armenia Safeguards Implementation Thematic Review Achievements:  Reviewed implementation effectiveness of environmental and social safeguard policies and instruments  Identified good practices, excellence and innovation as well as challenges and barriers to the effective management of environmental and social risks  Recommended measures to enhance the effectiveness of adaptive safeguards management including for preparation, implementation, supervision, and strengthening of borrowers’ capacity to manage environmental and social safeguards
April 2016May 2016
2 months
American University of Armenia


Educational Institutions... Show more

Environmental Safeguards Consultant
Preparation of environmental safeguards documents for construction of American University of Armenia new facilities in compliance with USAID safeguards requirements
January 2016March 2016
3 months
Environmental Projects Implementation Unit of Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia


Government Organizations... Show more

Environmental Expert
Environmental Governance, Inclusion and Transparency in Mining Sector of Republic of Armenia project Achievements:  Supported the ministries in the framework of IDF grant program, in conjunction with prepared guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment, Cumulative Impact Assessment, Socio-Economic Impact Assessment and Guidance for Evaluating Mining EIAs focusing on the outreach, awareness and capacity of selected mining communities to understand the impacts of mining activities on their livelihood, risks and mitigation measures  Organized awareness raising of the specialists of local regional authorities of the implementation of Environmental Impact Assessment’s provisions  Organized and conducted five awareness raising workshops (based on Environmental Impact Assessment, Cumulative Impact Assessment and Socio-Economic Impact Assessment Guidelines) in various regions of Armenia for specialists of local regional authorities of the implementation of mining projects Environmental Impact Assessment’s provisions  Revised mining projects Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines to be approved by Protocol Decree
December 2015December 2015
1 month
The World Bank


Financial Sector... Show more

 Provided summary review of the legislation that will be applicable to decommissioning of Nairit chemical plant, including disposal of toxic and other hazardous waste, demolition of facilities, etc.  Reviewed the institutional structure under the existing legislation that will be responsible for implementation of the decommissioning  Identified short-comings and gaps in existing legal and institutional framework to implement such an environmentally complex task of decommissioning  Prepared short note summarizing the main findings and recommendations related to above issues.
February 2015October 2015
9 months
Environmental Projects Implementation Unit of Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia


Government Organizations... Show more

Environmental Expert
Implementation guidelines for applying Environmental Impact Assessment provisions (Raising the awareness / training of the specialists of local regional authorities of the implementation of EIA’s provisions) (Environmental Governance, Inclusion and Transparency in Mining Sector of Republic of Armenia project) Achievements:  Made a plan of outreach events and mapped specific aspects of stakeholder’s interest in understanding EIA  Prepared a schedule and a budget for implementation of the community awareness needs and focused activities based on discussion with communities  Prepared thematic materials for the meetings with stakeholders and communities  Organized and conducted three awareness raising workshops in various regions of Armenia for specialists of local regional authorities of the implementation of mining projects Environmental Impact Assessment’s provisions  Provided adaptation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines and Guidance for Evaluation Environmental Impact Assessment reports for use at the national level  Prepared case studies from the selected communities and present during the training.
November 2014January 2015
3 months
High Voltage Electric Networks (HVEN) CJSC


Utilities... Show more

Environmental Expert
Electricity Transmission Network Improvement Project Achievements:  Prepared Checklist Environmental Management Plan for Construction of a new administrative building for HVEN in compliance with World Bank’s safeguards policies and support with public consultations.
November 2014January 2015
3 months
High Voltage Electric Networks (HVEN) CJSC


Utilities... Show more

Environmental Expert
Electricity Transmission Network Improvement Project Achievements:  Prepared Checklist Environmental Management Plan for Construction of Back-up Dispatch Centre for Electric Power System Operator in compliance with World Bank’s safeguards policies and support HVEN with public consultations
May 2013November 2014
1 year 7 months
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)


Government Organizations... Show more

Consultant / Trainer
Consultancy on implementation of Profitable Resource Efficiency Management System in Armenian Small and Medium Enterprises Achievements:  Provided training to participants regarding waste minimization strategies  Provided technical assistance to SMEs regarding minimization and management of wastes (including audits, problem formulation, corrective actions and development of case studies)  Performed as co-trainer during a company (SMEs) training coached by international ProREMaS facilitators  Coached performance as consultant /coach during follow-up company visits.
January 2014July 2014
7 months
High Voltage Electric Networks (HVEN) CJSC


Utilities... Show more

Environmental Expert
Achievements:  Prepared Preliminary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Rehabilitation of 110 kV Lalvar and Noyemberyan Transmission Lines in compliance with World Bank’s safeguards policies  Prepared full Environmental Management Plan (including waste management for all types of waste generated during the project) for Rehabilitation and Expansion of Haghtanak Substation in compliance with the World Bank’s environmental (and social) safeguards policies  Prepared full Environmental Management Plan (including waste management for all types of waste generated during the project) for Rehabilitation of Charentsavan-3 Substation in compliance with the World Bank’s environmental (and social) safeguards policies  Prepared full Environmental Management Plan (including waste management for all types of waste generated during the project) for Rehabilitation of Vanadzor-1 Substation in compliance with the World Bank’s environmental (and social) safeguards policies.
June 2013December 2013
7 months
Consecoard LLC / Ministry of Nature Protection of Armenia


Business Services... Show more

Industry Expert
Develop of emission levels associated with the Best Available Techniques and emission limit values for selected sectors and installations (Air Quality Governance in the ENPI East Countries) Achievements:  Elaborated Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the Non-Ferrous Metals Industries (Armenia), including waste minimisation and processing technologies  Elaborated normative documents for emission limits based on developed BAT
May 2013December 2013
8 months
International Energy Corporation


Utilities... Show more

Implementation of Environmental and Social Action Plan for Sevan-Hrazdan Hydropower Plant Cascade Rehabilitation Project Achievements:  Prepared Environmental Impact Assessment report for the dredging programme for Yerevan-1 hydropower plant water reservoir  Developed and implemented Environmental Management System (EMS) based on ISO14001  Prepared Environmental and Social Management Plan for Corporate operation and rehabilitation / development projects  Prepared and implemented pollution prevention plans  Prepared and implemented oil management plan, which covers management of oil stocks and waste oil  Prepared waste management plan (including types of waste, hazard class and amounts, waste minimization and reuse/ recycling strategies, procedures for handling, labelling, storage and transportation, recordkeeping scheme for waste flow, requirement for facilities intended for temporary storage of various wastes, procedures for identification of contractors for waste disposal  Delivered trainings regarding established ESM system to all staff with content appropriately tailored to management and operational level  Upgraded existing occupational Health and Safety System in accordance with OHSAS 18001 requirements  Implemented Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) including establishment of grievance mechanism covering overall operation and proposed project.
November 2011June 2012
8 months

Armenia, idealsystem.am/ejer/main.php

Metallurgy, Metalwork... Show more

Head of Production
* Managed operation of aluminium profiles, galvanized steel profiles (purlin) and roofing panels, foundry production and non-standard products workshops; * Installed and launched new galvanized steel profiles, sheet panels, slicing machine production lines; * Monitored equipment condition and analysed equipment utilization; * Ordered necessary equipment and tools for production processes; * Ordered spare parts for the production lines using dedicated software; * Ordered raw materials needed for the production using dedicated software; * Calculated workers salaries; * Keeping and updating records on workshop inventory via dedicated software; * Prepared financial, inventory, finished product reports;
March 2005October 2011
6 years 8 months
VALLEX Group, Mining and Metallurgy Institute CJSC

Armenia, vallexgroup.am/

Advisor to the Vice-President/Project Coordinator
* Coordinated implementation of the Teghout copper-molybdenum project; - Coordination of design work; - Estimating of capital and operating costs of the project; - Preparation of requirement lists for tender documentation; - Evaluation of equipment suppliers; - Coordinated other experts, documents translations, experience exchange - programmes etc.); - Controlled project information flow; - Created project library; - Interacted (as Project Coordinator) with financing bank (Russia) Project Management unit (submitting copies of all invoices, contracts, customs documentation, licences, design documentation, etc. regarding the Teghout project) * Coordinated implementation of Social and Environmental Action Plan developed by ERM Eurasia Ltd. for Teghout copper-molybdenum mine based on Equator Principles ; * Coordinated Social and Environmental Assessment being conducted by ERM (based on Equator Principles) for Teghout copper-molybdenum mine * Alaverdy Copper Smelter off-gas cleaning project preparation; - Provided experts of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), international experts and auditors with necessary consultancy regarding the ongoing projects, including technical data, local environmental legislation, monitoring records, various reports on implementation of action plans, etc.; - Developed process flow sheet jointly with EBRD Turnaround Management Programme experts to optimize technological performance of the smelter to meet local environmental requirements and bank standards ; Conducted research at the metallurgy laboratory to select appropriate gas cleaning technology ; - Evaluated different technological solutions for improving environmental situation around the site ; - Prepared equipment specifications for the bids ; - Developed a computerized model for planned technologies to evaluate different scenarios ; - Provided technical consultancy during preparation of project business plan * Coordinated Alaverdy Copper Smelter modernization project evaluation based in Ausmelt technology ; * Coordinated operation of Design and Science Departments of the Mining Metallurgy Institute ; * Providing Vice-President with evidence-based scientific and technical information ; * Coordinating international activity of the Institute (preparation of tender documentation, ToRs, and etc.) ;
March 2007June 2010
3 years 4 months


Founder and Director
* Company general management * Interact with regulatory agencies; * Preparation of proposals; * Conducting banking transactions * Contract management; * Negotiation with potential customers ; * Management of important projects *ATMS SOLUTIONS is engaged in development and implementation of quality (ISO 9001), environmental (ISO 14001), health and safety management systems (OHSAS 18001). Company also conducts energy audits, environmental and social assessments, develops technological normative documents for industrial enterprises. The clients of the company are Rusal-Armenal, Armenian Molybdenum Production, Deno Gold Mining, Yerevan Brandy Company, Pure Iron Plant, United Nations Development Programme etc. ;
November 2009February 2010
4 months
ATMS SOLUTIONS LLC/United Nations Development Programme


Environmental Expert
Environmental Audit for the Noubarashen Landfill in the City of Yerevan Achievements:  Analyzed existing legal and institutional framework for landfill management in the Republic of Armenia  Analyzed proposed project activities; and available baseline conditions in the vicinity of the existing and proposed landfill site  Identified suitability of the project proposals from an environmental perspective  Defined any significant environmental and social impacts likely to arise from implementation of the waste disposal project components  Evaluated appropriate measures to minimize any adverse environmental or social impacts  Developed environmental and social management plan (ESMP) to mitigate adverse environmental impacts  Evaluated opportunities for public benefit throughout the lifetime of the project.
July 2009October 2009
4 months
United Nations Development Programme

Armenia, undp.am

Government Organizations... Show more

Development competency-based qualification standard for the ''Production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals alloys'' specialty ''Support to modernisation of the Vocational Education and Training System'' Project * Identification the main requirements to the employees for knowledge and skills; * Study the Unified State Qualification Standard and the available guidance on how to develop CBQSs ; * Examination the successful international approaches of vocational skills acquisition, increase of students' knowledge and abilities, and introduce values system quality improvements and application them during CBQS(s) development ; * Develop Competence Based Qualification Standards based on Unified CBQS ;
June 2004March 2005
10 months
VALLEX Group, Armenian Copper Programme CJSC


Metallurgy, Metalwork... Show more

Advisor to Metallurgical Department Head
* Prepared monthly metals balance reports; * Analysed environmental performance of the copper smelter; * Analysed metals production volumes and trends; * Analysed fuel consumption rates; * Analysed metals recovery rates and developed ways to reduce losses; * Conducted research activities directly at the smelter workshops; * Prepared reports for international organisations on implementation of Environmental Action Plan prepared by Hatch;
May 2002June 2004
2 years 2 months
VALLEX Group, Armenian Copper Programme CJSC


Metallurgy, Metalwork... Show more

Assistant to Metallurgical Department Head
* Gathered and analysed smelter operation technical data ; * Controlled loading of equipment at supplier site ; * Created computerised models for process calculations ; * Calculated and ordered necessary materials for the production cycle ; * Computerised production process raw materials flow ;
March 2001May 2002
1 year 3 months
VALLEX Group, Armenian Copper Programme CJSC


Metallurgy, Metalwork... Show more

Engineer of Strategic Planning and Investment Department
* Coordinated the execution of Technical Pre-Feasibility Study being prepared by Lurgi Metallurgie for the implementation of a 40,000 tpy blister copper plant based on the Contop smelting process ; * Prepared proposals for obtaining ore deposits exploration licenses in Armenia ; * Kept correspondence with foreign partners;
October 2000March 2001
6 months
VALLEX Group, Armenian Copper Programme CJSC

Armenia, acp.am

Metallurgy, Metalwork... Show more

Assistant to Director of Yerevan office
* Provided administrative support to office Director * Kept correspondence with local partners ;


Skill proficiency levels
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment  Environmental Audit  Development of Environmental and

Higher education (PhD)

State Engineering University of Armenia
Metallurgy of Ferrous, Non-Ferrous and Rare Metals, Doctor of Engineering Degree
State Engineering University of Armenia
Materials Science and Metallurgy, Research Engineer's Diploma
State Engineering University of Armenia
Materials Science and Metallurgy, Master of Engineering Degree
State Engineering University of Armenia
Metallurgy, Bachelor’s Diploma



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

RussianC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

American University of Armenia Extension Programme
Project Management, Certificate of completion
Institute of Geology and Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
The 3rd International Training Course on Geological and Geochemical Techniques for Mineral Resources Exploration, Certificate of completion

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Armenia

Permission to work: Armenia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter